Happy Happy Happy

Can you even stand the cuteness factor of the header picture. We have silkys on our farm, they are just the most glamorous divas of chooks. Piccolo guards his little flock with such joy & pride.

A little sad news, we lost our Cotton tail goose to a fox Mon morning 2am. It was quick & cotton top, gander, was fine although for sure very sad as his gentle little squeaks told us of his loss throughout the day. He is now squawking, quacking happy looking out for our Indian runner mob. I’ll try remember to take a pic later today & add it in, just adorable.

As we are all being so cute & adorable. The pen was ready, can be towed wherever needed, sturdy, safe & well, just ideal. Straw in & on top to keep cool.

I received a message late January from a dear friend, it was just before my birthday, Mum offered to gift them to me. I can’t wait, I took a little trip to Cairn cross Mountain, not all the way to my friends 400acres on the mountain, that has ocean views(almost an hour drive from the bottom of the mountain to the beach) one way & the other half of Australia the other way, well, ok, so not that big but you get the gist. I had a small cage all decked out for comfort.

It has taken like what seems forever to get them, but I am a prepare first kind of person. The property being as productive as it is it was obviously time.

Meet Mousetrap (caramel coloured), now called Maisey & Twister, now Misty

Aren’t they just the cutest little dreamy treasures ever. Maisey was the most cautious & Misty well this new home obviously made her hungry.

Walter was so sweet & gentle giving nice to meet you kisses.

First taste of Mulberry & they were settling so well. The silkys & both dogs as well as the goats learnt all about electric fencing.

I was finally ready for these sweets. I did not see the point or the logic in getting them sooner as all my money would have gone to feeding them & had no money to buy fodder plants for them. I have been able to forage for them until they are bigger & their tummy’s are used to the new feed. Their favourite is Mulberry & banana leaf so far. lol

Getting their enclosure ready & building their day shelter & feed area I had help & inspections all the way along. Just fiddley little jobs.

Laneway to their big goat paddock

We had so much fun along the way. Realising rather quickly, (it has been a while since having such funness around, lol) that they love to dance & bash & bang so we changed the tin roof feed day shelter, making it bigger with all timber roofing.

Immediate approval

Such a contented place to just be.

Thanks so much for dropping by. the farm has been such a busy Frolic fun place, I love to share. Be sure to look out for more I’m sure all the fun is just gonna be completely nuts.

Thankyou for being you

Sorry if the layout of this blog is a little wonky doesnt matter what I do it’s not quite right. lol