If you dare

Crack me up, you know your day is just gonna be fabulous when it starts like this

Can you see it, I don’t know if I have just created a new way of making coffee? Is this even a thing? The suns not even up yet, really?

You may or may not want to join me for coffee this morning, I doubt tea will go any better. If you ever visit, it’s probably safer to make your own cuppa at this point. hahahahaha

Anywhoo, I wondered the other day as I watched the wild ducks fly into the dam & all the different colour & sized feathered sky frolickers, flitting & swooping & gliding about the place; Do they ever play airplanes? It was stunning & hilarious to watch, all the birds zooming around & suddenly my imagination just went with it. There was a whole repertoire of vroom, wheee, bang, plop, screeching brakes “Look out Russel I’m coming in for landing”!. A young Pheasant Coucal fell off the banana tree(the large leaf not as sturdy as it thought). Mum & I having a great old giggle. Honestly it is so fun.

mmmm & I wonder why I put milk in the coffee grounds.

Here’s the latest project pretty much completed, but first! it has been raining like, really well, for the last couple of months, check out the garden.

Lets have a peek out the back

The ride on mower decided there is such a thing as too much greenery & blew both belts, poor Betty. So Sam scythe & Susie sickle mower to the rescue.

Out the front

Lets go inside for a moment

Really Mum inside?

I love French renaissance, provincial anything grand & of course way beyond the average budget. Here goes…my thrifty compromise, interpretation?

I hope you all, my wonderful blogger family, can do what brings you joy, (hopefully not to stress out the four legged family members, lol) & thankyou for being you.

No animals were harmed during the making of this project. Sticks were tossed that Walter fetched with great enthusiasm even a swim in the dam was included for extra fun.

Author: workinacresnothours

Hi my name is Linda welcome to Frolic and Feed Farm. Land living for living land, with God, Love and a touch of fairy dust it's fun. Working a small 5 acre farm with my mother. We Frolic & Feed with great joy on our little 5acre selection. As a single woman its so easy to doubt yourself. My hope is that our antics give you confidence and insight that you too can achieve your dreams. Disclaimer: everything you read in my blogs is what has worked for us, there is loads of information that doesn't cost thousands of dollars. Please do your research carefully.

17 thoughts on “If you dare”

  1. How fun to see the wildlife flying and flitting about in all that beautiful greenery!! I’m smiling and enjoying the cup of coffee too! Your bed is so beautiful and you are so creative. I absolutely love it, as brass beds are just so pretty! I’m so happy you’ve all had so much rain, that’s so awesome! Lots of fun had by all! ♥️🤩🤠

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I so wish I had a camera to capture some moments as it is absolutely hilarious at times. I have wanted a brass bed since I was little, I thought they were grandest thing ever so little me is so excited as is me now, lol. So much great rain hopefully it eases a little as the farrier comes today, otherwise it will be just more fun. Love our yarns have a wonderful week ahead. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That bed head idea looks amazing Linda! What a flashy bedroom now! Like something I would see on Home Design shows.
    I was wondering how you are given the big wet is headed down south? Did you survive okay?
    Maybe that is why you were disrupted with your morning cuppa? I couldn’t make out what was wrong from the photo – too dark on my screen and I thought there may have been a frog in there??!! Lol.. glad it was only milk!
    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi neighbour, thankyou I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to show a ladies bedroom, but I was just so excited. Mum often says the garden & house should be on a home show. Although at the moment there are tools scattered around the house as I am renovating. Such fun. I have been thinking of you with all this rain. We had it the last 3 days straight non stop. a few bridges closed nothing out of the ordinary for us & a bit of rain. Really feel for the people of Lismore. How did you all fare with the wet.


      1. We were high and dry but were a bit stuck in for a while. No dramas though. The half constructed lake was close to overflowing as they hadn’t finished the overflow outlets to the sea. The sun is shinging now.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi, Your climate is clearly a whole lot wetter than here in Central Victoria. The sky tap was turned off in early summer but now, I am enjoying the novelty of sitting here listening to the sound of gentle rain falling. I admired the abundance of your passion fruit vine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We don’t often get to enjoy this much greenery. I am so glad you have gotten some rain it is a comforting sound. I so wish we could share our abundance with you,(I make cordial & ice cream topping) we have 2 vines & I found another one that has popped up in the vegie patch, lol. I hope it continues to rain just the right amount for you. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.


    1. Hello friend, yes it is crazy greenery is so great, I have planted 2 apple, 2 citrus, Mango & just purchased 2 avocado, not sure where to plant them yet a happy dilemma. Magnificent time to plant at the moment. Crazy happy. Have a great weekend


    1. Hello, It truly is such fun skipping & flitting around with the birds & the butterflies in the garden.
      So many of my dreams have come true, I am truly blessed. Have a wonderful week & thankyou for your kind comment.


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